Now that I have gotten your attention and interest to start blogging, I believe I need to at least give you a few basic tips on how to have a good weblog. I learned these also from some experienced pro-bloggers. So actually I have gone through the same journey as you have, not knowing how to even start a blogging web site! Here are the tips which are acronymed by C.T.P.M. In the word of the experts, "Get in front of your potential clients by providing Content. Surfers find you, generating targeted Traffic. Win them over ("PREsell"). How? Give them what they want... quality solutions, answers, information!
C = Content
Let face it, we must have good content for people to come visit us and are willing to bookmark it to come back another time. So in order to have good content, it must be something that we feel passionate about that we like others to know. Questions we need to ask ourselves would be:
- What am I interested in?
- What am I passionate about?
- What subjects or topics do I know a lot about?
- What are people always coming to me for advice about?
Organize your thoughts around these and start to writing some articles or posting as in the case of blogging. Don't worry about making mistakes, because you can always edit later. Just let your thought flow through, very much like you are talking to your friends as if they are right there listening to you, eager to learn something from you. Shall I say they are waiting to listen from the "horse's mouth" ;-)
T = Traffic
So you have your website up, you want people to come and browse. I believe we have to get beyond our close friends and relatives, and get other people to visit our sites. Traffic, trafftic and more traffic to our website. Here are some good tips:
- Blogging for dollar - Traffics Secrets to your websites by Derek Gehl
- Steve Pavline - How To Build A High Traffic Web Site (or Blog)
- John Chow - Driving Traffic With Free Articles Services
- I would like to act one of my methods - join as many online communities, forums and chat groups as possible ( with your limited time off course). Let them know of your site or weblog and have them comment on your postings. One of my favourites is bluepulse, a mobile software on 3G phones so that I can communicate with friends online and let them know all my web sites. Of course I have to do it with tact and discretion (Well that will be topic for another posting).
P = Pre-Sale Your Site
As you posts more and more contents providing information, quality solutions and answers, your visitors will come back often to visit. They will eventually by persuaded by what you have to offer that can help them with their questions and problems. So update your site often with good quality info and solutions.
M = Monetaze Your Site
Monetization is the final result of doing everything else (C to T to P) correctly.