Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Six Figure Income From Blogging?

Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/25/2007 02:37:00 PM
Labels: Blogging For Money
Monday, September 24, 2007
Blogging Incomes
How much does a blogger earn just by blogging? A curious question posed by one whose first month income is $2.14!
I would bet my head that there are many bloggers making a five or six figure income yearly by blogging. Few are brave enough to show us a glimpse of their handsome income from blogging (even then, I can dare to say that was only a small part of their actual income... I stand to be corrected).
- John Chow stated his Jul 07 income from his blog to be $12,406.76.
- Everton of ConnectInternet.co.uk reported his earning in July 07 to be $8,126.
- Gaman from sabahan.com mentioned his at $3,616.24.
- And there are many more...
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/24/2007 03:55:00 PM
Labels: Blogging For Money
Bloggers Who Make Money By Blogging
It is always very inspiring to know that fellow bloggers are making a living off bloggiing. While their earning would come from various sources or ways, I look with interest on their income from google adsense. After a month of blogging, here is my income from 22Aug07 to 24Sept07: Hey, are you thinking that I have a thousand buck from google adsense, I wish! But that was a miserable $2.14! Some friends come comforting me, saying that's not bad for a start. Thanks buddies. But I am a bit more ambitious than that. How can I not be, when I see this!:
No, you are not seeing an altered image, you can check him out at this here. Better still download his testimony from this link.
Matt Callen is actually synonymed with HyperVRE in the internet. HyperVRE was created after he realised that there were just too many people who fail to capitalize on the zillion adsense market globally. Here is what he has to say, "It seems like everyday I read posts in marketing forums about how hard it is to make money with AdSense. Now - I don't want to sound like a grouch here... but to be honest with you, I've started to develop a little pet peeve towards posts like this." So out come this super duper software called HyperVRE - a software that helps to Generate THOUSANDS of fresh, unique content-rich webpages from highly-targeted keyword lists. And also helps to insert your unique Google™ AdSense ads on each and every page, by using 3 Adsense code blocks which are integrated into each page you will maximize your clickthrough rates. Besides, it also use a perfect linking structure to ensure all of your web pages get indexed quickly into the search engines.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/24/2007 03:03:00 PM
Labels: Affiliate Programs, Blogging For Money
Malaysian Bloggers, You are Boleh!
It's interesting to blog, because you are yourself when you can express your opinions freely, well quite freely. It's also very encouraging to note that there are many other Malaysians who are ranting out their hearts' felt feeling and opinions, in the process generate not too small group of followers and readers. Cheers to all Malaysian bloggers.
I am going to list the web sites of Malaysian bloggers that I come across here. If you happen to read my blog and know of other Malaysian bloggers web sites please bring them to my attention at the comment. Maybe we can come up with a full list (will that be possible? Eh...... Boleh try lah):
(Kindly take note that I am not ranking the blogs in any order, hey, they are not even in alphabetically order. They are just listed as they come to my attention while I type.....)
Hey, I know the list is definitely too short! Actually you can find a much longer list here: http://www.mycen.com.my/malaysia/blog.html and for those who wish to know about where other Malaysian Bloggers congregate and what they are talking about, you can visit here http://www.malaysiabloggers.com/
Keep me informed of other sites please.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/24/2007 11:04:00 AM
Labels: Other Blogging Sites
Saturday, September 22, 2007
More Readers For Your Blog
Most of us start blogging to freely express our opinion and understanding of the things we feel passionate about. In the process, blogging beginners who wish to make some money online by blogging know that more readers to read your blog would be the key to money making. BlogRush is a free service that was created to help bloggers solve precisely this No.1 need. By adding the BlogRush Widget to a blog, a blogger can get instant distribution for their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs. BlogRush users earn "syndication credits" (the right to have their blog post titles shown inside a widget on another related blog) based on their own traffic (loads of the widget) as well as the traffic of other users they refer to BlogRush. Users can automatically refer others to BlogRush via special links on the widget, as well as through the promotion of a special referral URL they are given.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/22/2007 08:48:00 PM
Labels: Affiliate Programs, Blogging For Money, Blogging Traffics
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
There is Money in Blogging
There is money to be made in blogging. In 1999, a web site called Blogger (www.blogger.com) was launched, offering free blogging to anyone. Blogger provided both the blog platform and hosting space for the bloggers for free. Immediately, millions of people logged on and started creating blogs. The world largest diaries or log books is launched. "Blog' was the word of the year in 2004, the year that marked the turning point for blogs as one of the most sought after media formats for both bloggers and advertisers. The search engines like Google love blogs.
Blogs are the first source of information for breaking events, news and innovations. Bloggers are able to publish text, pictures, audio and video on the spot, instantly, being the first to do so and faster than the print or Television where editing work have to be done first.
Advertisers look for blogs to market and promote their businesses. They are always looking out for creative bloggers to write on a variety of topics such as sex, love, health, education, food and digital technology such as digital photography. So there you are, I have just given you a hint on a world of opportunities to blogging for money.
Those who are interested in blogging for money, here are some useful links where these mediators for advertisers are sourcing for bloggers like you to write articles for them.
Go to jobs problogger for assignment jobs if you like. There is a host of other sites looking for bloggers to write on a variety of subjects. There is money to be made in writing.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/18/2007 04:38:00 PM
Labels: Blogging For Money
Sunday, September 16, 2007
My Preferred Affiliate Programs
Friends and visitors who come to my blog often asked me this question: "What is your recommendation of affiliate programs?" While I refer them to my earlier post, I know what they are actually asking is which affiliate programs do I recommend. It would be very difficult indeed to answer them if they were to ask what is my one best recommended affiliate program, because there is theoretically more than thousand excellent affiliate programs. Perhaps, I would rather show them my preferred affiliate programs.
In this post I would like to share my recommendation of one of my favourite affiliate programs: It is what I called "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet - Version 2007 system" by Derek Gehl. My one important criteria for recommending affiliate programs is "Would I use them myself?". In actual fact, I have been using this system constantly since the first day!The very first time when I received the fedex package of this system, I was pleasantly surprised with what was included in it. The first thing I noticed was the inclusion of a 2' x 3' poster which was titled "You're Only 10 Steps Away From Internet Riches". We need a road map to guide us from point A to point B in our life, quite similarly to a road map from one destination to another.
And here are the 10 steps:
- Step 1: Find a product people want!
- Step 2: Write Your Sales Copy!
- Step 3: Set Up Your Online Store!
- Step 4: Drive Buyers To Your Site!
- Step 5: Drive More Cheap (Even Free) Traffic!
- Step 6: Use Email TO Get MORE Sales!
- Step 7: Find MORE products For Your Customers!
- Step 8: Get Other People To Sell For You!
- Step 9: Build A Bigger Business!
- Step 10: Use Hot New Tools To Create A Buzz!
There is also a Quick Start Guide booklet that underline all the steps in brief. This Quick Start Guide actually helps you find the full detail of the steps in the TWO 8" x 11" full-coloured, three ring binders containing 800+ pages, broken down into 64 easy-to-follow lessons. With this guidance, "Insider Secrets" walks both Internet newbies AND seasoned website owners through how to start, grow, and promote a wildly profitable e-business step-by-step.
Subscribers will also receive step-by-step instruction on:
- Where to find FREE tools and resources they can use to easily build a website in less than a few hours -- even if they have ZERO web design experience!
- How to develop a brand new product (for FREE!) in less than 2 weeks!
- Secrets to growing an opt-in list like crazy -- even on websites that get almost NO traffic!
- A little-known, one-minute salescopy trick that can increase online sales by up to 714%... or more!
- The #1 research tool for finding NEW lucrative business ideas absolutely NO e-business owner can afford to be without... and how to access it for FREE, and MUCH MORE.....
There are also SUPER BONUS items like:
- A CD containing Derek Gehl's private Rolodex of 267 'must-have' tools and resources!
- An 85-minute DVD of Derek performing extreme website makeovers LIVE on stage!
I find this system extremely helpful as my reference tools and would highly recommend blogging beginners to invest this on the journey to internet success!

Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/16/2007 12:21:00 PM
Labels: Affiliate Programs, Blogging For Money
Friday, September 14, 2007
Website Promotion
Any serious blogging beginners would like his blog to rank high in search engines. This is no easy task to achieve. Although there are much resources found in the internet in this area of search engine optimization (in short SEO) for us to read, the amount of information would cause some serious brain indigestion, with some basically regurgitate in mumbo jumbo terms only few will understand. Some of us probably would have brain constipation and damage! :-)
While it is something achievable by some, bringing much satisfaction to oneself, I believe this area is not quite suitable for the faint hearted and should be left to the well-trained consultants:
DiscountClick - an affordable Online Marketing Services Company offer their core business in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) together with Website Promotion and Banner Ad Service.
DiscountClick expertise also include Pay Per Click Management, Keyword Analysis, Link Building Services, Non Reciprocal Link programs, Code Optimization, Affordable, Content Writing, Monitoring and Reporting, Search Engine Marketing.
It would be much more cost effective to engage them in search engine marketing and promotion services. In striving to stay one step ahead of the competition , DiscountClick would implement properly affordable and economical search engine optimization solutions and marketing strategies. It will almost guarantee to see an increase in rankings performance within 2-4 weeks, with a month-to-month search marketing service to keep the best performance for their clients. Discover the excellent serivce of DiscountClick here.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/14/2007 10:54:00 PM
Labels: Blogging Traffics, Excellent Web Tools, Web Site Promotion
Online Money Transaction
Online money transaction does not seem to be directly related to bloggging beginners. However any serious blogging beginners would eventually like to know the numerous payment gateways for online transaction. My earlier posts mentioned a few widely used payment gateways favoured by most bloggers.
In my research for other payment gateways, I come into contact with this interesting website on Online Money Transaction provided by EPAY.
EPAY is an innovative way to online money transfer and payment processing solution. Signing up with EPAY as member is free is immediately granted access to an incredible array of online payment processing options, providing you with the opportunity to carry out all your online payment processing needs using a single gateway.
EPAY offers debit card, credit card services as well as sending large amount money online through their EPAY gateway. An interesting and innovative benefit is that if you ever receive an email or sms saying that you have a payment from EPAY member, you can collect it from EPAY site by following a few simple click! Check it out here!
Merchants can sign up their merchant EPAY account and take the advantage of an easy online money transaction provided by EPAY. Their site is marked by SecureSafe Network Solution and is enabled to receive 128-bit encrypted info to ensure personal data is protected. Another third party verifcation and services also endorse and certified that EPAY is a safe shopping site. Check their site for verification here.EPAY also offer affiliate program for referring friends and merchant, which makes it a great affiliate program to join. Sign up and be fruitful, fellows.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/14/2007 06:53:00 PM
Labels: Affiliate Programs, Payment Gateways
Web Tools - Drop Down Menu
Active bloggers who continue to put up new postings day after day will almost guarentee that they will have lots of visitors or traffics over a period of time. Postings in your blog must be labelled according to topics for easier reference, especially if they have reached more than 50 posts. Blogger.com or other blogging software would have an easy button or entry for you to do so. Currently I am using blogger.com and the label for any post is right at the bottom of the post. This post is labelled as Excellent Web Tools. For easy reference, I use the Drop Down Menu from this excellent web tool found at this excellent site. Visitors to my blog can find topics of their interest from the Drop Down Menu right at the top of right hand corner. Meet Thea, the provider of such excellent web tools here. Bravo to Thea. Love you.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/14/2007 11:44:00 AM
Labels: Excellent Web Tools
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Blogging For Money - PayPerPost
There are number of ways for serious blogging beginners to make money online. My earlier posts mentioned a few way where advertisers seek out bloggers to review their products or services. In this post, I would like to mention another one of these opportunities. PayPerPost.com offer bloggers to get paid for blogging. After signing up with PayPerPost, bloggers can write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing your opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers. For more detail, you can follow the link here or click on the logo below:
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/13/2007 02:57:00 PM
Labels: Affiliate Programs, Blogging For Money
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Blogging Beginners Guide To Affiliate Programs
Having done the initial hardwork of posting rich, quality and relevant contents into your blog, you must be excited to see traffic coming to visit. The next step would be to monetize your blog. One of the methods is to join affiliate programs. By definition, affiliate program means that you send people to a web site, they buy something, or sign up for something, and you are paid a commission. Affiliates porgrams are set up by companies who wish to generate more revenue through networking with other web owners. Bloggers can be rewarded by sending customers to their web sites.
Some useful tips for selecting affiliate programs:
- To build a reputable blog, it is best to stay clear of those that offer quick sale, who claim that theirs is the only WAY to make money online.
- Do spend time researching first, ask yourself this golden question: "Would I use these products or programs myself?" After that sign up and try out the program. Chat with others who have used them in their forum.
- The question is asked: would it be better for me to join high commission affiliate programs? I believe it is best to choose affiliate programs based on your own themes or contents. My general guideline of pay out commission is between 20 to 50%. Check out on their payout, how about their sales pages (which should do all the selling for you), any cookie tracking to protect your referring, what's their pay-per-click ratio, any support promotional banners or text links, any tier affiliate programs.
- If you receive spam emails, that may be a good source for telling you how not to promote your affiliate programs.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/12/2007 01:50:00 PM
Labels: Affiliate Programs
Monday, September 10, 2007
3 Important Tips For Blogging Beginners
If I am asked to give one most important advice to blogging beginners, I would shout from the top of the mountain, "Get Started Now!". Many a time we tend to get our hands onto too many things, read too many articles, swerve from one topic to another and procrastinate on blogging! The advice is to stay focus on one topic (you can always leave the rest of the topics for the next blog). No wonder there is only a small fraction of bloggers who are making money online. To be successful bloggers, (my definition of success = making money online although some may differ) stay focus, don't be dissuaded, devote your time, effort and talents onto your blog.
Here are the 3 important tips for blogging beginners:
Write on something that you are passionate about, expert in and valuable to your readers. Remember to write on something interesting for them and not something that interest you.
Interesting blog post should have pictures and video if they are related to your blog. Remember, the old adage "a picture speaks a thousand word".
Content should written in colourful and descriptive language, witty and entertaining and be creative.
VISITORS ARE IMPORTANTIf there is no visitor to your site, it is as if you open a store in the mall and nobody even walk into your shop!
Visitors come and go, the reasons why they stay or come back later is your contents, which have to be constantly updated with quality input!
Visitors are human being, treat them with respect and always respond to their comments with sincerity.
(How would like to have traffic jam into your blog? I would love it!)
It is imperative to drive traffic to your site by getting listed in blog listing directories: one such directory is TopRank Online Marketing.
Submit articles is a great way of getting your blog known to lots of readers who are subscribers to articles web sites.
It will be good to join forums and chat groups to promote your blog. Leaving comments on other bloggers blogs will in the long run create lots of reciprocal links, good for traffic generating.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/10/2007 03:35:00 PM
Labels: Blogging Traffics, Getting Started to Blog, Tips
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Getting your blog popular
Hi internet business group,
Congratulations to you Justin and James for contributing to the content in this blog. There are a lot of useful things on making money in your blog. That is what most blogs are doing. But we want to make our blog different right? Justin, your concept of CTPM formula is the right one. Content is king and unique content is the Bigger king of all. I can see that the content is building up in this blog. Up to a certain point, driving traffic to this blog is important. Once the content is sufficient to be of interest, this blog can be announced to the whole world through articles. Writing is the key skill here. I try that with my site Sabah Scuba Diving and submitted some articles to ezinearticles and a few others. It does generate in traffic.
Another suggestion is pictures. Blogs need pictures and if there are lots of pictures, you get traffic. People just loves pictures. So some investment in pictures taking skills is a must. I have just invested in my Canon system. Of course, an SLR Camera system is better than the pocket size although there are some trade offs in these two. The SLR is more expensive, very much more expense than the pocket type. The other disadvantages are that it is more bulky, especially for travelling but they take great pictures, as good as the professional. Check out the pics at this site (an interesting site on guides to Kuching in Malaysia) to see what I mean.
The smaller one such as the Canon Ixus is compact, very convenient to use and to handle. I always have it in my pocket, just in case, there are some great shots to be taken. You never know. But then of course, your mobile phone with its in-built camera can do just that, although the pixs are not that great as your pocket camera but will do.
Until next time, this is Prof. signing off.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/08/2007 06:26:00 AM
Labels: Getting Started to Blog, Tips
Friday, September 7, 2007
Blogging For Money - Text Link Ads Way
Text Link Ads has established themselves as one of the most popular traffic driving and ads link companies. As bloggers, we can sign up for free, and after approval from them sell simple, and relevant text ads on our websites. We can choose to approve or deny any Text Link Ads sold prior to the links being published on our website. This ensures that only quality and relevant links appear. Sales, invoicing, and customer service are all handled by TLA. Payments are via check or PayPal, and are sent to publishers the first of every month with a $25 minimum payout.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/07/2007 11:49:00 AM
Labels: Blogging For Money
Blogging For Money - SponsoredReviews.com Way
SponsoredReview.com is another quite unique web site that connects advertisers with bloggers willing to write honest reviews about services and product. Bloggers can sign up with them for free and start earn good cash by writing honest reviews about their advertisers' products and services.
Advertisers can capitalise on the huge number of bloggers and sheer power of blog-o-world to generate traffics, get connected to customers, and make sales.
Bloggers can request to add advertising spaces to generate revenue when advertisers paid for their putting their advertisements
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/07/2007 12:45:00 AM
Labels: Blogging For Money
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Blogging For Money - JohnCow.com Way!
I just stumble upon this interesting blog - http://www.johncow.com/. It seems that these guys cleverly spoofed off from the famous JohnChow.com and get piggybacking off the success of his website http://www.johnchow.com/. This only shows that if we are creative and willing to explore a bit, we are able to come out with ideas, (original or not) to start blogging and making some money online (US1,334.55 in Agu 07 for JohnCow.com). That's not so bad an amount for a part time job for them.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/06/2007 01:57:00 PM
Labels: Blogging For Money
Payment Processing for Online Businesses

- Often online companies are not able to swipe their customers' credit cards through a card swipe machine (as in physical stores and shops) and cannot obtain their signatures, they are often classified as high risk businesses.
- Merchants need to answer the question of how secure a credit card transaction is. Customers need to know that the transaction is done professionally that comes with a refund policy and legally protected.
- Merchants who offer credit card service must use a renounced or trusted credit card company.
However the benefits of online credit card transaction for online business owners out-weigh the risks or issues as mentioned above:
- It is an obvious fact that cash cannot be safely sent through mail;
- Cheques (or checks) take time to clear, a tedious and time consuming process which weighs down the merchant and customer;
- Credit card transaction is fast and done almost immedaitely by the click of a button;
- Credit cards transaction through a secure server will give customers confidence in legitimacy of the merchant. There are many servers striving to provide top-notch security transaction.
Research into credit card payment providers show MsMerchant Account is one company providing great online credit card transaction, at the same time offer merchants the best available transaction rate.
MsMerchant Account has been offering processor services to many established industries and even to new merchants, no matter they are small, medium or large businesses.
MsMerchant Account accepts and processes Visa, MasterCard, American Express (Amex) and Discover. Merchants will be able to reach to a much wider spectrum of customers gloablly.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/06/2007 12:11:00 AM
Labels: Payment Gateways
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Blogging For Money - Another Option
If you are into blogging, chances are you have to write quite a fair bit. The more you write the more ideas come into your mind (you will need to have some form of ideas organiser - hey, this is an idea of a new post, is it?). In which you must have polish of skill of writing and publishing. And why not use such skill to write reviews or reports on products or services. One way to get people to ask you to write reports or reviews is by signing up with Blogsvertise. Their Advertisers want YOU to mention and talk about their websites products and services in your blogs and journals. They want the publicity, the exposure, the Buzz! that online bloggers and internet journals can generate for their web site products and services. In exchange Blogsvertise pays YOU in paypal per task/blog entry, for writing / talking about / mentioning their website in your blog! Follow the links to their site to sign up for a free publisher account.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/05/2007 01:38:00 PM
Labels: Blogging For Money
Audio & Visual Communication - Continued
With both our audio and visual senses tuned to the stimuli around us, it's so much easier to remember things that we hear as we see. Little wonder we remember tv commercials so sub-consciously. This brings to my current post. If you need to market your products or services be sure to have audio and visual forms of communication. And if you are a Company that need to keep in constant contacts with your customers and sales staff at different locations across the world, you need to have powerful AV system in place. One such powerful AV system is provided by MegaMeeting.
MegaMeeting has the most Powerful Video Conference Software. All you need is internet browsers, a broad-band connection, ordinary microphones and headsets and a web or video camera (optional if you don’t need to be seen) you can have audio and video web conferencing using with MegaMeeting most unique powerful software.
MegaMeeting Powerful Video Conferencing Software can allow you to web-conference with up to 16 individuals. PLUS unlimited number of secure Web Conferencing users can see those 16.
Using MegaMeeting Web Conference Software, imaging you are able to video conference with all you sales staff over the world to tell of the latest product from your Company and pep them for increasing their sales.

Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/05/2007 01:06:00 PM
Labels: Communication and blogging
Audio And Visual Communication
"A picture speaks a thousand word" - That's why sms has evolved into mms, audio programs into video. This day, it will unheard of should a speaker uses only his voice to do the entire presentation on stage. Even pastors and preachers are audio/video presenters nowadays.
Would be easier for your to hear me and remember if I were to tell you that - you can work leisurely at home, make tons of money online, get your beautiful dream house, go holiday anywhere you want, when you want, drive fast car, enjoying your family - or would the following slide show catches your attention easier and help you remember more?
Maybe I should conduct a poll on this. ;-)
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/05/2007 12:08:00 PM
Labels: Communication and blogging
Blogging For Money
Once you have great content in your blog, the next thing is how to monetize your blog. Adsense seems to be the naturally choice for many of us and in fact, blogger.com makes it so much easier to add adsense into your blog, which is excellent.
However I am sharing on an unique method employed by many great bloggers, that is to have spaces for advertisers to place advertisements on your blog, thereby generating revenue for you. This is easy say than done. Well there is at least one way to do so, that is to write review of great products or services (again, remember you need to search for popular topics to write on, solutions to people's problems).
Here is an example: To generate revenue, bloggers are constantly looking for advertisers, advertisers are looking for bloggers who can help them propagate their products or services, bloggers who have large group of readers or followers, or who have very high volume of traffics to their blogs. Along came this genius idea of advertlets (cleverly rhymed with effortless).
Advertisers are able to target based on demographical, social behaviour and actual needs. Bloggers with great content can then connect advertisers to their readers, a win-win situation indeed.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/05/2007 01:28:00 AM
Labels: Blogging For Money
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Blogging For Money
Most of the newbies would think that it will attract swarms of people to come to your blog if you write something on making money online. If statistics will show this is farthest from the truth. There are tooooo many such web sites competing with each other. My earlier post mention that CONTENT is still the most important thing in the blog.
CONTENT is something that you must feel passionate about to write, rant or just spilt out of your mouth, so to speak. And in order to attract search engines to link to your blog (with all SEO done in place of course), you need to write on topics that people want to read, seeking to find solutions to their problems. Subject matters, those subject matters that people are talking about, searching for will prove to be trafffic-drawers. CONTENT in a blog is KING. Here I find fellow blogger www.sabahan.com 's tips a great help, "Where To Find Popular Subjects That You Can Write In Your Blog?"
That is a sound advice for any one intending to start blogging and talk about monetize the blog later.
Posted by
IBG - Internet Business Group
9/04/2007 08:45:00 AM
Labels: Blogging For Money