If I am asked to give one most important advice to blogging beginners, I would shout from the top of the mountain, "Get Started Now!". Many a time we tend to get our hands onto too many things, read too many articles, swerve from one topic to another and procrastinate on blogging! The advice is to stay focus on one topic (you can always leave the rest of the topics for the next blog). No wonder there is only a small fraction of bloggers who are making money online. To be successful bloggers, (my definition of success = making money online although some may differ) stay focus, don't be dissuaded, devote your time, effort and talents onto your blog.
Here are the 3 important tips for blogging beginners:
Write on something that you are passionate about, expert in and valuable to your readers. Remember to write on something interesting for them and not something that interest you.
Interesting blog post should have pictures and video if they are related to your blog. Remember, the old adage "a picture speaks a thousand word".
Content should written in colourful and descriptive language, witty and entertaining and be creative.
VISITORS ARE IMPORTANTIf there is no visitor to your site, it is as if you open a store in the mall and nobody even walk into your shop!
Visitors come and go, the reasons why they stay or come back later is your contents, which have to be constantly updated with quality input!
Visitors are human being, treat them with respect and always respond to their comments with sincerity.
(How would like to have traffic jam into your blog? I would love it!)
It is imperative to drive traffic to your site by getting listed in blog listing directories: one such directory is TopRank Online Marketing.
Submit articles is a great way of getting your blog known to lots of readers who are subscribers to articles web sites.
It will be good to join forums and chat groups to promote your blog. Leaving comments on other bloggers blogs will in the long run create lots of reciprocal links, good for traffic generating.
1 comment:
Hey man,
I just put up my "website" with godaddy. check it out! www.makemoneyrealeasy.com. But under construction, hahaha.
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